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Funding the Wyandotte Creek GSA

    Wyandotte Creek GSA Long-term Funding Needs

    Funding the Wyandotte Creek GSA going forward​​ is critical so that we can locally fund and manage o​ur​ groundwater resources and work to implement key projects and management actions that will ensure adequate groundwater supplies are available to all users in the future.

    The California legislature passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in 2014 and required the formation of Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) throughout California. SGMA provides for the management of groundwater resources at the local level and requires GSAs to develop and implement Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs). The Wyandotte Creek GSP must ensure sustainable groundwater conditions by 2042 while avoiding six distinct undesirable results. The decisions about sustainability will be made locally and includes public involvement. This is why the Wyandotte Creek GSA is proactively developing long-term water management solutions to prioritize local interests and keep expenses for landowners to a minimum so that groundwater can be managed and protected locally.

    Compliance with SGMA is not optional and securing funding for priority projects and management actions is our best path forward. Securing local funding revenues retains local control ensuring stakeholders have input and provides solutions that benefit our region. The Wyandotte Creek GSA Board is dedicated to navigating SGMA together with its members and stakeholders.

    Adopted Fees 

    Max. Fee that can be chargedFee for 24/25 Fiscal YearUser Class
    $1.38 $0.71Non-Irrigated Fee ($ per acre per year)
    $8.98$6.44Irrigated Surface Water User ($ per acre per year)
    $13.86$10.12Irrigated Groundwater User Fee ($ per acre per year)
     Note: Fees are prorated for cost per acre per year. This is the maximum fee that would be charged annually.

    Budget/Revenue Needs

    Provided below are the revenue projections for the GSA for a five-year period (without grant funds). This budget includes the additional implementation costs associated with the three user class fee. The three user class fee includes non-irrigated user, irrigated surface water user and irrigated groundwater user.  

    5-Year Budget with irrg SW and irrig GW implementation costs.pdf

    2023 Funding Reports

    The Fee Report describes the basis for the Wyandotte Creek GSA's proposed fee to each assessable parcel within the Wyandotte Creek GSA jurisdiction in order to provide groundwater management services in compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The Draft Fee Report that was presented to the Wyandotte Creek Board at their May 25, 2023 meeting has been updated to reflect their motion to select the three user classes and charge the corresponding fee as described in the Fee Draft Report. 

    WDC Final Fee Report - June 2023WDC Final Fee Report Attachments - June 2023

    The precursor to the Draft Fee Report are the Technical Memorandum and 5-year projections with and without DWR Grant funding or additional implementation costs associated with more complex fee options.

    WDC Funding Technical Memorandum – April 2023WDC 5-year Projections (No Grant Funding) – March 2023WDC 5-year Projections (Grant Funding) – March 2023

    Wyandotte Creek Funding 2018 to 2022

    Since 2018 when the Wyandotte Creek Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Wyandotte Creek GSA) was originally established, the Wyandotte Creek GSA has been funded by contributions from each of the member agencies (Butte County, City of Oroville, Thermalito Water & Sewer District) and in-house staff services. Annual member agency funds along with grant funding for development of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) and required reports has allowed the Wyandotte Creek GSA to achieve necessary SGMA compliance actions to date. Going forward, long-term funding will be needed to support continued Wyandotte Creek GSA administration costs and facilitate ongoing GSP implementation and SGMA compliance actions needed to locally manage our groundwater resources.


    User Classification Change and Appeal Process

    WCGSA User Class Change and Appeal Process_Adopted 10-26-23_Adopted 10262023_2.pdf

    The User Classification Change and Appeal Process forms are still being finalized. However, review the adopted policy (download above) to determine if a classification change, fee change, or muliple user classification change is applicable to you.

    User Classification Change Request Forms 

    The Wyandotte Creek GSA has developed this fee policy to ensure that each parcel subject to the fee is properly classified into the correct user class and is being charged the correct fee amount on a per acre per year basis. The policy recognizes that the manner in which each parcel is charged under the adopted fees needs to be flexible to ensure billing equity for landowners and to accommodate changes in land use and/or water source that may necessitate reclassification of parcels into the correct user class for accurate fee assessment purposes. 

    Landowners can request reclassification of their parcel(s), and thus the fee charged, under the following circumstances:

          Condition 1: Standard Classification Change and Fee Recalculation

    • Parcel is improperly classified (not in correct user class);
    • Parcel fee assessment amount is incorrect (based on acreage inaccuracy or incorrect user classification);
    • Parcel land use and/or water source has changed requiring the parcel to be reclassified into a different user class;

          Condition 2: Multiple User Classifications on Parcels 10 or More Acres in Size

    •  Parcels that are 10 or more acres in size (or portions of boundary parcels located within the GSA boundaries that are 10 or more acres in size) may be reclassified with multiple user classes.